Tag Archives: Long Run

3/17/17: Friday Favorites

A festive happy Friday to you all! Are you Irish folk wearing your green today? I now realize the only green I really have belongs to race shirts. So I’m sporting my 2017 “Get Lucky” top today. No pinching, please.

We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at our house, because a leprechaun snuck in while we weren’t looking. It put rainbows on our pizza and dessert when we weren’t looking!

Silly leprechaun.

Today, I’m featuring a “favorite” that’s fairly new in my life. I’m always on the lookout for workouts that fit my style: fun, fresh, and distracting. (I’m not saying I personally am fun, fresh, or distracting. I just like those kinds of things. I’m actually more meh, stale, and inconspicuous most days.)

When POUND showed up in my Facebook newsfeed, I was immediately smitten. I thought it was such a neat idea, and I was disappointed there were no classes near me. At the time, I don’t think they had yet released any DVDs for at-home use, but I could be wrong. I just remember thinking, “I want to do that!”

Then a couple months ago, it popped up again! And I realized they do have DVDs for at-home use. And I wanted them. So I saved up, and my brand spankin’ new POUND DVDs and Ripstix arrived in the mail about a week later.


The first night I did a workout, I was mainly planning on viewing it and maybe doing a few moves as a tester. The workout I picked was “Jam Session,” which was 40 minutes total. No way was I going to do all that on a Tuesday at 9:30 PM.

Well, fast forward 40 minutes, and I realized I was finishing up the entire workout. I did the whole damn thing. And I was sweating a lot. It hadn’t felt like a ton of work though, so I cleaned up and went to bed.

The next morning, oh goodness, could I ever feel it. Cursed DOMS! It got me. But I also knew that meant this was a good workout.

I’m currently following their 60-day routine, so I’ll likely have an update for you in a couple months. So far, though? Great stuff.

If you’re interested, read a little more here and here. Even if you’re not necessarily interested, they have good information and recipes on their blog.

What’s on your weekend docket, chickadees? I have a 7-mile long run in the plans, a couple POUND workouts, work on Sunday, and not much else. Here’s to hoping you find some time to relax, green beer (or ginger ale) in hand!

Read on. Run on.

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10/15/16: Sorta Not-Silent Saturday

Whew. Every time I say, I’m not going to take any more breaks from blogging, then I take a big break. I don’t know what it is. I apparently am very rebellious against my own good intentions.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this week since my 10-miler. I’m caught between being proud of what I accomplished and wishing I had done so much better. Hoping I can do better. Making plans to do better.

That, and Dino-Toddler got a cold. And there has been some chaos at the library. (More chaos than the usual chaos.) And I’ve felt a cold coming on the last few days.

Excuses aside, I promised a recap of the TC 10-Mile. I can honestly say it was a fabulous experience, beginning to end. I already wrote a bit about the expo, and packet pick-up at the expo was a dream. Very smooth process. Very short lines. In, out, done. I had so much fun looking at all the booths and yearning for ALL THE THINGS. I bought more than I should have, but there were so many neat things to be excited about if you’re into running stuff.


Sunday morning, we took off from home bright and early. (5:15 AM? I think? I don’t know, I didn’t have my eyes open.) Smooth ride up, and we parked at Ramp B at Target Field. It was chilly, so I felt pretty guilty dragging my husband, mother-in-law, and almost-3-year-old outside so early in the morning. We walked to the light rail and rode the train to Government Plaza.


We danced around for a few minutes trying to stay warm, but it was a well-organized crowd, and there were plenty of open porta-potties when we got there. Perfect.

Then, I  said my goodbyes, tried to focus on not throwing up, got in my corral (the last of all corrals, because I’m a turtle), and enjoyed the beginnings of the sunrise. It did take awhile to get to the start line, because there were a few waves of runners before me. But when I got going, I was immediately greeted by a gorgeous sunrise and lovely views. I felt so motivated, and I accidentally ran a 12:30 mile. That is way too fast for me, but I had so much adrenaline. Rookie mistake. Luckily, I don’t think it cost me too much later.

I cannot say enough about the on-course support for this run. The volunteers were amazing and motivating and ready with so many kind words. The traffic control and police were cheering us on, and many of them had high-fives waiting for us. The spectators had funny signs that made me smile when I needed it and so many encouraging words. I teared up several times, because I seemed to come across motivation at the exact times I needed it most. People are beautiful, and this sport proves that all the time.

When I got to the finish line, it was lined with so many people. I’m sure they were waiting there for the first marathon finishers (because I’m fairly far back in the pack, the first marathon finishers weren’t too far behind me), but they cheered for me and for other 10-milers coming in just the same. The medal is epic. My arms were filled with snacks and treats as I left the line. I met up with my supportive and amazing family soon after, and I celebrated/moved through the rest of the day in a bit of a haze.

If anyone is considering a 10-mile race, I would most certainly recommend this one. Phenomenal organization, views, and support. You won’t regret it.

And now, I go to bed so I can get some rest for the Mankato 10K tomorrow morning. My hubby is running his first half-marathon, and I’m excited to cheer for him as he crosses the finish line! I guess my next post will probably be a recap from this weekend, and I’m hoping it comes a little sooner than this one did.

I’ll be spending some time reflecting this next week on my goals, where I want to go, and how I will get there. It’s time to buckle down, and I want to be the best possible me I can.

Read on. Run on.

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10/9/16: Say it LOUD Sunday!

I started.


I finished.


I celebrated. (DT slept.)


Full recap tomorrow.

Read on. Run on.

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9/25/16: Sorta Silent Saturday – Sunday Runday Edition

I ran 10 miles. Well, I slogged through 10 miles, partially during a downpour, and the rest of time completely soaked. Shoes and all.


It was ugly. I’m hurting a little tonight. But it was done. And now I hope it goes much better in a couple of weeks.

Read on. Run on.

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9/23/16: Friday Favorites

Hey-o! It’s the weekend. Everyone ready to party?


In several ways, I think Leslie Knope is my spirit animal.

Well, I don’t know that there’ll be much partying going on in my neck of the woods. I’m off work today, because I have the #saturdaylibrarian shift tomorrow. And I’m debating whether or not to do my long run in the morning. (It’s 9 miles scheduled, but I’d REALLY like to get a 10 miler in so I can taper for the TC 10 Mile in a few weeks.) That would require getting up and being out the door by 4:30 A.M. On a Saturday.

Or I could wait until Sunday. But that would kinda suck the fun out of my Saturday night, too. I guess we’ll see how I’m feeling a little later. Dino-toddler came down with a cold over the past few days, and she hacked most of the night last night. She also woke up at 1:00 convinced that it was time to get up and get going for the day. Took 4 hours and sleeping on the couch downstairs watching Daniel Tiger before she fell back asleep. I am SO glad we were able to sleep in.

Without further ado, I’ll jump right into the Friday Favorite for today. I’ve maybe written about Vionics before? But I’mma go really in depth now. Because I can’t get enough of them.

This question applies to runners and non-runners alike: have you ever dealt with plantar fasciitis? It’s a beast. I’ll spare you a long explanation (you can read up on it here if you want) and just say that some days I have terrible, stabbing pain in my heels, especially my left heel. There are times I can barely walk when I get out of bed. I expressed this to a few different friends, and several of them recommended Vionic shoes to me.

I’m so glad they did. For my birthday this past July, my parents so kindly bought me Vionic slippers, sandals, and orthotic inserts. Ho’jeez, have my feet been so much happier since. When I get my slippers on in the morning, I can walk so much more comfortably right away. And I keep trying to make myself wear other shoes to work, but I come back to the sandals every time. It’s good they’re black and go with everything. However, I’ll be in the market for a new pair soon that will be suitable for winter wear in the library.

I wear the slippers much of the time at home, even in the dead heat of summer. A recommendation for plantar fasciitis is that you wear supportive shoes pretty much all of your waking hours. Jumping right into the slippers is quite a bit easier than trying to lace up your super-expensive supportive Asics or whatever you have to wear to not feel like your heels are on fire. (By the way, I really do love my Asics. For running. Not enough to buy an extra pair to wear all the time at home.)

If you ever have any heel pain or foot pain, I encourage you to try a pair. They are available at select stores, and you can order them direct from their website. I’d also encourage you to keep an eye out on QVC and Zulily, as I’ve seen them featured at both.

So that’s about what I’ve got for you today. Nothing terribly exciting (unless you are looking for some relief for PF, then maybe you’re kinda excited?), but I’m sending good wishes to you for a happy weekend. And please pray for me if I venture out early early early tomorrow.

Read on. Run on.

P.S. Disclaimer: I was in no way paid or endorsed in any way for this post. I just happen to be a girl who genuinely appreciates a good orthotic. I’ve always been told I’m an old soul like that.

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9/3/16: Sorta Silent Saturday

8 miles. First time ever.

Read on. Run on.


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8/16/16: Toddler Tuesday

If I said I had another cold, would you believe me? Well believe it or not, here I sit with a stuffy nose and a scratchy throat and generally feeling like a used dishtowel. I’ve let myself be lazy for a couple of days now, and I’m ready to get back at it tomorrow.

I can sum up Saturday’s run by saying that it was 7 miles, it was humid, and now it’s done. I cannot wait for Fall/cooler weather.

After my run, we packed up and headed for the lake. Sometimes, I’m tempted to skip Dino-Toddler’s nap. Then I remember consequences of skipping DT’s nap, and waiting around while she snoozes doesn’t feel so rough.


Post-nap, we joined family out on the pontoon. I grew up rather close to my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and I’m planning for DT to do the same. She has so. darn. much. fun. And it warms my heart.

We’re still all working on becoming acquainted as Chewie joins our family. The pup is like a toddler (especially when it comes to listening skills and mess-making abilities) and is also learning to deal with a toddler. Chewie is also becoming more comfortable with us and therefore testing her limits and boundaries. It will be challenging, but I hope it will also be rewarding.

I’m watching DT develop glimmers of responsibility as Chewie integrates into our family. She asks if she can give Chewie a treat when putting her in the kennel. She lets her inside after she goes potty. DT really wants to take Chewie on a walk, but we know that would result in disaster, given Chewie’s larger stature in comparison. However, we occasionally let her hold the leash (and I already yearn for the day when I can tell her to walk the dog so I can play some extra levels of Candy Crush. Mom needs ‘mom time,’ too.). I tried to capture one of these moments, but man was it hard to get a pic where both of them were stationary.

One of our challenges lately with DT is dealing with the irrationality of a nearly-3-year-old. NOTHING MAKES SENSE, YOU GUYS. Like if I give DT fruit snacks in the shape of Elsa and Anna from Frozen, she will not accept them because she wanted Star Wars ones. She’ll give the pack back to me while she wails incomprehensibly. I will hand them back and say, “Okay, here are your Star Wars fruit snacks.” And she’ll instantly quit crying, politely thank me, and start to giggle.

This type of scenario has played out more than once and often in way more frustrating situations. So PBS posted this throwback-article today, and it sang to me like choirs from the heavens. In particular, this quote struck me and I’ve considered getting it tattooed on my forearm or somewhere else I can read it at a moment’s notice:

“Keep in mind that you can’t actually make your child do anything–eat, sleep, pee, poop, talk, or stop having a tantrum. What you do have control over is how you respond to your child’s actions, as this is what guides and shapes their behavior. If throwing a tantrum results in extra iPad time, a later bedtime, or simply getting more of your attention, your toddler is putting two and two together, making an important assessment: “Excellent strategy! Put that one in the win column.””

Yeah, that’s my girl all right. And me at times. I think we are all guilty of this as parents at times, and often it’s for my own benefit more than hers. Sure, honey. One more minute of “Daniel Tiger” while mommy finishes this level of Cookie Cats chapter of my super intellectual smarty-pants book. Really, though, I need to remember to take care of these issues NOW so I don’t spend more time correcting them later.

Easy to say, tough to do. When it comes down to it, I’ll do the best I can. And she’ll be okay.

Read on. Run on.

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8/6/16: Sorta Silent Saturday

6 miles done on my 6-year wedding anniversary.

And a night at the lake with family.

Big thumbs up.

Read on. Run on.

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7/16/16: Sorta Silent, Super Dorky, 6 Mile Saturday

I ran 6 miles for the first time! So I celebrated with a dorky selfie. And a dilly bar for lunch. Butterscotch, obviously.


Don’t judge me.

Also, how does my cat sneak into every photo I take?

Many happy miles
and pages,





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